Phone: (281) 498-8110 ext. 29145
District Cell: (346) 312-9400
Fax: (832) 678-2446
E-mail Gaby Idrogo
Employee Benefits
We at Alief ISD consider our staff to be a valuable resource. For this reason, we provide a wide range of benefits that are intended to enhance your general health and enable you to succeed both inside and outside the district. Including full-service dental, vision, and medical insurance program for district-wide wellness.
General Information
Who is Eligible?
You are eligible to enroll in the Alief ISD Benefits Program if you are a regular, full-time employee. Coverage begins on January 1, 2024, or on the first day of the month following full-time employment as an eligible employee.
Who are My Eligible Dependents?
You may cover your lawful spouse and dependent children. You may cover your common-law-spouse if you fill out the proper form. Children are eligible to age 26 regardless of marital or student status. A child who is physically or mentally handicapped may be eligible for coverage beyond 26.
Enrollment Requirements
All employees must enroll during open enrollment in October or within 31 days of a loss or gain of coverage.
Can I Change My Coverage During the Year?
The benefits you choose will remain in effect throughout the plan year (from January 1st through December 31st). You may only add or cancel coverage during open enrollment, or if you have a qualifying status change that causes you to gain or lose eligibility for benefits. (Proof of your status change will be required.)
Qualifying changes may include:
A change in your legal marital status,
A change in your number of dependents as a result of birth, adoption, legal custody, or if your dependent child satisfies or ceases to satisfy eligibility requirements for coverage, or the death of a dependent child or spouse
A change in employment status for you or your spouse that results in a loss or gain of coverage.
Loss or gain of eligibility for other insurance (including CHIP & Medicaid)
Health plan information regarding a newborn
Newborn children of the employee or their enrolled spouse are covered under the plan for 31 days after birth only if enrolled by the subscriber within the required timeframe. Any required additional contributions must be paid to Employer within 31 days from the date of birth in order for coverage to be effective.
Taxes and Your Benefits
You may decide to pay for your benefits on a before or after-tax basis through your payroll deductions. The “Cafeteria Plan” (before-tax) allows for a tax savings when the costs of certain insurance premiums are deducted from gross salary.
Health Benefits

Gaby Idrogo, District Benefits Manager | A - L

Samenta "Sam" Willis, District Benefits Manager | M - Z
Phone: (281) 498-8110 ext. 29146
District Cell: (346) 291-9178
Fax: (832) 678-2446
E-mail Sam Willis